Les challenges de Mme Méry

Mme Méry a mis au défi la communauté de Dolto !

1) Challenge 1 : apple pie

Le challenge est relevé pour certains élèves (et professeurs !) du collège qui ont eu tout le week-end pour lire, comprendre et réaliser une "apple pie" à l’irlandaise ! Voici leurs œuvres et la recette !"

2) Challenge 2 : care package

The « care package » is something American families do a lot for their children who often have to study far from home. Every now and then, they send their son or daughter a box full of treats and little surprises to make them feel good. As you have been separated from your friends for a while now, you will be happy to see them again in a few weeks. When you meet them, you will offer them an « incredible care package ».

What is it ? It is a cardboard box in which you will put some items to offer your friend to show that you care for him/her : it can be some candy, a small box of biscuits, a letter, a funny joke (in English) written on a piece of paper, a postcard, … be imaginative ! Put in the box everything you know your friend will like. Here are some examples of « care packages » :

Care package

How can you do it ? Take an empty cardboard box with 4 flaps (preferably). If you do not have one, an empty shoe box will do. Cover the bottom and the sides of the box with wrapping paper. Cover two flaps with a picture of your choice : it has to start on one flap and finish on the other. It can be a picture from a magazine, from the internet or a drawing. The two remaining flaps will bear a nice message : it can be funny, sweet, original,… it can be a poem, a quote, an apology,… When your box is fully decorated, you can add the little objects your friend will appreciate : a homemade bracelet, some biscuits, your favourite woolly hat, a teddy bear,…

3) Challenge 3 : Easter eggs

Easter is coming !!! To decorate your garden or your window sill, I suggest that you create your own Easter eggs. To do so, you just need to follow the instructions on Youtube : Dye eggs for easter https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k6drpTfzcQI

draw designs on your eggs : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lwv3ALtd_jY

Challenge 1 : apple pie Challenge1-1 Challenge1-10 Challenge1-11 Challenge1-12 Challenge1-13 Challenge1-2 Challenge1-3 Challenge1-4 Challenge1-5 Challenge1-6 Challenge1-7 Challenge1-8 Challenge1-9 Challenge2 Challenge2-1 Challenge2-2 Challenge2-3 Challenge2-4 Challenge2-5 Challenge2-6 Challenge3 Challenge3_1 Challenge3_2JPG Challenge3_3 Challenge3_4 Points